I'm An Adventure Seeker

Y'all, let me be real for a second: travel absolutely lights up my soul. Whether I'm visiting a new location, or returning to an old favorite, there is so much to be said for having a change of scenery and expanding beyond my home range. But where does it all begin?

My parents instilled a desire to travel into the core of my very being at a young age. Some of my earliest memories are of the three of us packing up our station wagon and heading west. They would fold down the back seats and make a makeshift bed in the trunk so that I could sleep while we drove through the night. I would wake up, and we would be in some new, magical place. My mom would have me journal about our trips while we were on the road. I loathed the practice when I was a kid, but now, I love going back and reading what Little Kate had soaked up during those trips.

Some of the first adventures I took with my parents were to go camping in Yellowstone National Park, taking a seaplane into the North Cascades, and visiting Iceland over spring break when I was in third grade. We would travel at least once a year, but often our calendar had more than one trip penciled in. I remember being in middle school and having my teachers fill out my vacation absence forms for the fourth or fifth time. They said to me, “You're going on another trip?” It was the greatest gift my parents could have ever given me. As an only child, I wasn't spoiled with material objects, but instead, I was spoiled with experiences. I don't know many people that can say that when they were ten years old, they went to Paris on a family vacation and saw the City of Lights from the top of the Eiffel Tower, or observed the Mona Lisa in person, or toured Versailles and the Queen’s Gardens. 

Travel is truly a gift that we give ourselves, because it gets us out of our comfort zone and exposes us to new, unusual, and fantastic things we don't find at home. We learn just as much about ourselves as we do the area around us when we pack a bag and go out into the Great Unknown. We learn what we're capable of, what makes us uncomfortable, we find new foods and places and ideas to fall in love with, and often times we meet truly wonderful people. This world is big and vast and beautiful, and by hopping in the car or booking a plane ticket, we connect with that world and expand our circle of knowledge and our friendships.

My invitation for you this month is to either make a bucket list of places that you want to visit, or if you already have one, start planning a trip to one of the destinations on your list. You will not regret it, and the possibilities are endless for what will happen along the way. Send me an email or a message on social media and let me know, what's the top place on your bucket list? What’s holding you back from going there? I would love to help you with your planning efforts, let’s chat about making this vision a reality. Email me at kate@klemstudios.com or kate@wildklementine.com (my travel planning biz) to get support today.

Stay adventurous,
