What Science Has To Do With Wedding Photography

I'm going to share with you is possibly the most important nugget of wisdom I’ve learned when it comes to wedding photography. There are reasons, both scientific and emotional, as to why I am a fierce advocate for choosing the wedding photographer you most want to work with. We've all heard that marriage isn't all sunshine and rainbows, there are going to be hard times ahead of us. We've chosen this person to spend the rest of our life with because they are our soulmate, our best friend, the person we can't imagine living life without, and we are committing to work through the hard times with them because we love them so deeply. 

When we trust our heart and soul and create the wedding journey of our dreams, we are saying, "YES" to ourselves, we are affirming that we are worthy of love and goodness and what we want. In turn, you'll get an experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life, that you'll never want to forget. Why is that important?

Stay with me here. There's a phenomenon called the Illusion of the Truth Effect that I want to introduce you to, without getting super science-y, that I believe will help strengthen your marriage by using your wedding photos. Let's say that 10 years from now, things are a little rough. Nothing awful, it's just a funky point in your relationship. You walk around your home, and every day, you see your wedding photos hanging on your walls. Every couple of weeks, you flip through your wedding album and remember the pure joy and love you felt on that day. The Illusion of the Truth Effect basically proves that any statement/thought we read, see, think, or speak regularly is more true to us than one we're occasionally exposed to.

Let me break that down: You both SEE your wedding photos on the regular and both THINK, "That was an incredible day, I love my partner so much, I'm so glad we're married." Perhaps you both say something like, "You look great in this photo!" or "Remember how much fun this was?" You play that out on repeat, and you believe it to be true. Then, when you occasionally disagree, or are in a funk, these negative thoughts or spaces will blow over more quickly because you BELIEVE that you love your partner so much and you're so glad you're married, and you've already built up a pattern in your brain to make this true. Because you were so intentional with the wedding day you created and the photographer you worked with, you'll have a rush of "happy hormones" each time you look at your images that overpowers the negative thoughts.

So what does this all mean? Making a meaningful investment in your wedding photography is a way to not only preserve one of the best days of your life for decades to come, but it's also a way to help ensure your relationship lasts through "for better or worse". By photographing your wedding day, I'm making a commitment to the two of you as a couple that we promise to capture photographs that make you feel alive and deeply in love, even 10, 25, 50 years from now. And who can really put a price tag on that?

Ready to talk about how we'll take photos that stand the test of time? Set up your consult here.

I’m here for you,


Kate McFadzenComment